Sublime Text 3 Setup For Programming in Java

Toshik Langade
2 min readDec 2, 2020

Generally, IDEs available for Java are too powerful. And unless you’re developing Java applications you won’t be using most of the features. So for basic programming, a much better alternative would be a text editor. And a text editor I like the most is Sublime Text. It’s fast and lightweight.

So here’s a tutorial on how to setup Sublime Text 3 for Java programming.

First of all make sure you’ve Java 8 or above installed in your system. Follow the official documentation of Java for more information.

Follow the following steps:

  • Download and install Sublime Text 3.
  • Go to Tools>Build System>New Build System.
    A new blank file will open up with the default title untitled.sublime-build.
  • Copy-paste the below code to that file:
  • Save the file with any name in the default location. For convenience, save as JavaRun (javaRun.sublime-build).
  • Restart Sublime Text.
  • Got to Tools>Build System and select JavaRun as the build system.
  • And it’s done!

Now let’s see how it’ll work.

  • Press CTRL+N to create a new file.
  • Save it as Let’s say, “”.
  • Type the below code:
  • To run, simply press CTRL+B.
  • If there is no compilation error, a windows command prompt will open up with the output.
  • If any error is there, it will be shown in the editor’s console.

That’s it!

Happy Coding,

